Savvas Learning Company provides supplemental resources ranging from personalized adaptive learning to blended teacher-led programs.
Find the right supplemental learning solution to address your students’ needs.
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SuccessMaker® Newly Updated!
Continuously adaptive K-8 personalized reading and math program
Savvas Essentials: Foundational Reading
A new supplemental K-2 program aligned to the science of reading
ALL GREEN: Read about Savvas Essentials™ : Foundational Reading on
Words Their Way Classroom
An ideal complement to core ELA instruction for Grades K-5
Palabras a Su Paso Salón de Clases
A perfect fit for K-5 dual language and biliteracy classes
D’Nealian Handwriting
The original K-5 continuous stroke, manuscript-cursive handwriting program
Savvas Now™ Literacy
A brand-new K-5 supplemental Digital Resource Library built by literacy experts
Supplemental core ELA instruction for Grades 6+
The SIOP® Model
The only empirically-validated approach to K-12 teaching
Builds the reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills of Grade 6+ English learners
QuickReads® (ESSA Strong)
Reading Intervention Program for Grades 2-6
Replaces core ELA instruction for students in Grade 6+