Our inquiry-based social studies curriculum promote democratic values, community, and cultural diversity, while supporting the NCSS standards and the C3 Framework.
We believe in a deep understanding of civic ideals and practices, active citizenship, and global conversation.
All Grades K-12 Savvas social studies curriculum feature dynamic digital content and multimedia resources to make learning interactive, current, and life-changing.
Grades K-5
myWorld Interactive Social Studies
Grades 6-8
myWorld Interactive American History
Grades 6-8
myWorld Interactive World History
Explore Program Request Information
Grades 6-8
myWorld Interactive World Geography
Grades 6-12
Civics Interactive
Grades 9-12
US History Interactive
Explore Program Request Information
Grades 9-12
World History Interactive
Grades 9-12
Magruder’s American Government Interactive
Grades 9-12
Grades 9-12
Project Imagine United States History
Grades 9-12
Project Imagine World History
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