Savvas Science Curriculum

NGSS Aligned Science Materials

Our K-12 Science curriculum is aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and STEM learning. Savvas Science instruction and assessment engage students in real-world, observable science phenomena. Students build scientific knowledge by applying Disciplinary Core Ideas, Science and Engineering Practices, and Cross-Cutting Concepts through inquiry-based learning. Award-winning edtech includes science lessons, hands-on science activities, virtual labs, simulations, and interactive tools to support students as they practice Science in authentic ways.

Savvas Science curriculum integrates seamlessly into your science classroom.


Core Science Curriculum


Engage your students with elevateScience, NGSS aligned science curriculum and science materials for K-8.

Grades K-8

  • Cohesive K-8 science curriculum for NGSS instruction
  • Science phenomena, hands-on science activities
  • Phenomena Readers and STEM/Engineering Readers (K-5)
  • Engineering Design Notebook for STEM activities (6-8)
  • elevarCiencias Spanish annotated student edition
  • Three course options for middle school science curriculum

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Engage your students with Miller & Levine, NGSS aligned science curriculum and science materials.

Grades 9-10
Miller & Levine Biology

  • #1 high school biology curriculum
  • NGSS framework and performance expectations
  • Problem-based learning activities
  • Real-world Case Study science phenomena
  • Written by two acclaimed active biologists
  • Miller & Levine Biología Spanish available

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Experience Chemistry high school chemistry and science curriculum textbook and science resources on a tablet.

Grades 9-12
Experience Chemistry®

  • Science Phenomena, high school chemistry curriculum
  • NGSS framework and performance expectations
  • Flinn Scientific® chemistry labs and resources
  • Differentiated, hands-on inquiry labs
  • 2021 EdTech “Best Science Instructional Solution”

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Experience Physics high school physics and science curriculum textbook and digital science resources on tablet.

Grades 9-12
Experience Physics®

  • Science phenomena, high school physics curriculum
  • Flinn Scientific® physics labs and resources
  • Differentiated, hands-on inquiry labs
  • PhET™ simulations and Boclips® videos
  • Tech & Learning Award of Excellence “Best of 2021”

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Environmental Science Your World Your Turn high school science curriculum textbook and digital science resources on a tablet.

Grades 9-12
Environmental Science

  • #1 high school environmental science curriculum
  • Real-world Case Study science phenomena
  • Hands-on inquiry investigations
  • Local and virtual 3-D geo study tours
  • Written by author and researcher Jay Withgott

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NGSS is a registered trademark of WestEd. Neither WestEd nor the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Science Standards were involved in the production of this product, and do not endorse it.