UUS History Interactive high school US History curriculum and modern American History curriculum logo.


US History Interactive 
High School US History Curriculum

Modern American History Curriculum

History That Inspires Action.

Take an Interactive Tour of US History Interactive High School


US History is more than the “story” of our past. Its consequences can be felt today, and may impact our future. New US History Interactive is a modern, inquiry-based social studies curriculum that promotes critical thinking, immersive experiences, and informed action. It leverages the C3 Framework to make US History experiential and culturally relevant for all students.

US History Interactive high school US History curriculum and modern American History curriculum textbook and digital program.

Inquiry-Based US History


US History Interactive high school US History curriculum and modern American History curriculum Quest Inquiry Project sample.

Inquiry Projects

Topic inquiries require “doing,” analyzing, and interpreting.

UUS History Interactive high school US History curriculum and modern American History curriculum original source material sample.


Original source material creates contextual knowledge.

US History Interactive high school US History curriculum Essential Questions structured inquiry sample.


Structured inquiry helps students make connections.



Culturally Relevant High School US History Curriculum


US History Interactive Connections to Today sample lesson.

to Today

Activities make history relevant to students’ lives.

US History Interactive social and emotional learning lessons build student empathy and SEL skills.

Social and Emotional

Immersive experiences build empathy and SEL skills.

US History Interactive Primary Sources Comparing Viewpoints sample lesson.


Comparing Viewpoints illuminate key historical events.


Enriching Digital US History


US History Interactive modern american history curriculum Listenwise Current Event public radio sample.

Listenwise® Current Events

Daily public radio stories keep lessons fresh and relevant.

US History Interactive high school US History curriculum uses technology to drive student engagement.


Interactive technology drives student engagement.

US History Interactive high school US History curriculum and modern American History curriculum lesson video sample.


3-5 minute videos preview and review content in every lesson.

US History Interactive high school US History curriculum provides videos from NBC Learn.

NBC Learn®

Exclusive videos from NBC Learn foster a personal connection to content.



Meet Savvas Realize™


US History Interactive high school US History curriculum and modern American History curriculum is on Savvas Realize LMS.

Savvas Realize is the edtech industry’s most versatile learning management system. Home to all your US History Interactive content, assessments, and digital resources.

  • Secure Roster Sync to Your SIS
  • Unmatched Integration
  • eText App for Offline Work
  • Custom Lesson Playlists
  • District Assessment Sharing Tool

Google and the Google Logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc.


Discipline: Social Studies

Copyright: 2022

Grade(s): 9 - 12

Program Type: Core

Delivery Method: Blended (Print & Digital)

Operating System: iOS, Windows, Chrome OS, Mac OS

Lexile Level: 1160L

Funding Sources: SSAE Grant, ESSER

US History Interactive High School ©2022

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