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iLitELL Program for English Learners

Accelerate English Language Development with iLitELL

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How do you build a bridge to English literacy?

By supporting grade-level reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills at ELs’ individual proficiency levels. iLitELL is a single, easy-to-manage solution that supports all English learners, including newcomers and long-term ELs. It accelerates English language development through a brilliant mix of strategic scaffolding, interactive content, visual aids, academic vocabulary support, survival vocabulary for newcomers, and home language help. Use iLitELL to supplement or replace your ELA curriculum for a dedicated class period.


iLitELL program for English learners product screenshot.


iLitELL program for English learners teaches vocabulary at varying levels of English proficiency.

Explicit Academic Language Minilessons

ELs often struggle with the academic language of school. This puts them at an immediate disadvantage. iLitELL includes explicit instruction to teach academic vocabulary at varying levels of English proficiency. The routine also prepares ELs for academic discussions, offering guidance and practice.

iLitELL program for English learners offers audio for listening and speaking.

Audio for Listening and Speaking

ELs can “hear” modeled oral readings, demonstrating sounds and pronunciation in English. They can also make their own recordings, submit to their teacher, and save for conferencing.

iLitELL program for English learners interactive word study readers.

Interactive Word Study Readers

Direct from literacy expert Elfrieda “Freddy” Hiebert, these interactive texts focus on word study. Focus ELs on building word knowledge rather than word memorization. Develop their skills in phonics, word recognition, and vocabulary so they can catch up with peers.

iLitELL program for English learners includes SIOP strategies.

Embedded SIOP® Teaching Strategies

SIOP, or Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol, is the only empirically validated instructional model for teaching English learners. iLitELL includes SIOP strategies at point of use. It’s like having a complete EL methods course at your fingertips.

iLitELL program for English learners includes newcomer lessons and workbooks.
iLitELL program for English learners includes newcomer instruction.

Specific Newcomer Instruction

How do you support students who know little or no English? iLitELL provides flexibility to work with individual newcomer students, small groups, or a whole class. Options include 65 newcomer lessons, on-screen translations, diagnostic screeners…plus print newcomer libraries, survival vocabulary cards, and practice workbooks for purchase.


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Ensure Culturally Relevant Pedagogy

“In order to infuse responsiveness, [teachers can] supplement core texts around themes, standards, or learning objectives with culturally responsive books, articles, stories and references in a diverse library; support students’ reading development with read-alouds; and saturate instruction with effective literacy strategies.”

Dr. Sharroky Hollie
Executive Director of the Center
for Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning