Words Their Way Classroom® is the K-5 supplemental literacy program that helps teach phonics, spelling, and vocabulary. Developmental stages reflect students’ spelling behavior as they move from one level of word knowledge to the next. Renowned authors Donald Bear, Marcia Invernizzi, Francine Johnston, Shane Templeton, and Lori Helman are back with a new edition, including complete digital functionality on our Savvas Realize online learning platform plus full-color, consumable workbooks.
Take an Interactive Tour of Words Their Way Classroom.
Words Their Way Classroom carefully aligns instruction with the five developmental stages of spelling: Emergent-Early Letter Name, Letter Name, Within Word Pattern, Syllables and Affixes, and Derivational Relations. Word Study Notebooks are available for each developmental stage.
At the heart of the program is the hands-on or interactive sort. The sort invites students to group words or pictures representing specific sounds into categories. Most sorts begin with teacher-directed instruction along with questions to guide student learning and generalizations.
The word study routine is easy to implement and fits within almost any ELA instructional block. Each lesson provides strategies to model the sort, practice it, and apply and assess learning. Differentiated instruction and school-home connections maximize learning opportunities.
What do kids love? Digital interactivity! Take word work online with interactive resources. Demonstrate the sort and allow students to practice online. Combine with the print resources or download and copy PDFs for students.