The SuccessMaker authorship team includes some of the world’s most distinguished math and literacy scholars. They’re idea makers and influencers in education. Together they ground SuccessMaker in best practices and next-generation standards. This is the team that will help your students on the path to progress.
Dr. Milou is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Rowan University. He is an expert on using technology to increase student engagement and mathematical understanding and a leading authority on three-act tasks and mathematical modeling. Dr. Milou was a member of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Feedback/Advisory Team for the Common Core State Standards. His publications include Teaching Mathematics to Middle School Students.
Too often, rather than making sense of mathematical ideas, students focus on remembering procedures or tricks. For example, how many students learn ‘flip and multiply’ to divide fractions but have no idea why it works? SuccessMaker provides students with multiple opportunities to connect their work to mathematic concepts. Mixed content presentations support students’ efforts to recognize and understand how ideas interconnect and build on one another to produce a coherent whole. These consistent connections empower students to confidently understand and achieve math mastery!