Investigaciones 3 Common Core: Spanish Math

Inquiry Based Common Core Math: Bilingual Mathematics

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Does your school cultivate bilingual skills? Investigaciones 3 is a perfect companion program for teaching mathematics in your bilingual classroom. A full array of student math resources in Spanish supports bilingual learners. The Spanish Companion for teachers presents vocabulary, sample dialogues, and instructions in Spanish.

SPANISH Investigaciones 3

Math Resources en español 

Investigations 3 helps bilingual learners build on what they know. The program provides the Investigations 3 student resources in Spanish.

  • Cuaderno de actividades (Student Activity Book)
  • Spanish Companion (Digital and Print)
  • Cuaderno de evaluación (Assessment Sourcebook)
  • Spanish Digital Resources DVD-ROM
  • ExamView Test Generator
  • Resources on
    - Cuaderno de actividades (Student Activity Book)
    - Juegos (Games)
    - Términos matemáticos e ideas (Math Words and Ideas)
    - Evaluaciones (Assessments)

Investiagiones 3 Spanish Resources book cover.


Spanish Companion

Spanish Companion

The Spanish Companion for bilingual teachers provides the necessary academic language for instruction and assessment. Teachers can use the Spanish Companion with the Investigations 3 Curriculum Units to develop students’ language abilities in both Spanish and English.

  1. Companion sessions for the Curriculum Units
  2. Translations of Math Focus Points for each session
  3. Resources needed for each activity
  4. Spanish academic vocabulary for sessions
  5. Sample teacher dialogue for each activity
  6. Ongoing assessment questions in Spanish
  7. Answer key for student pages