Welcome to the Savvas Insights Speaker Series!

The Savvas Insights Speaker Series is filled with engaging on-demand video sessions led by experts whose passion for education shines through in each presentation. The theme of each series addresses current topics in education and range from practical tips to captivating keynotes.

Savvas Insights Speaker Series: Unfinished Learning

We know the demands are high to address “unfinished learning.” How do you pace yourself, keep students engaged, and provide instruction that is personalized and effective? Savvas Learning Company presents an important  webinar series to help you and your school district address unfinished learning. The series features highly acclaimed authors, educators, and experts. Join us as we explore topics and strategies designed to meet students where they are and to accelerate learning and ensure students’ social and emotional well-being.

Series takeaways for reflection and classroom use:

  • Prioritizing content and instruction
  • Effective math and reading practices
  • Identifying students’ academic needs 
  • Social and emotional learning strategies
  • Active engagement strategies
  • Strategies for equity and inclusion
  • Getting families involved at home

Savvas is committed to supporting safe, inclusive, and equitable school communities. There is no cost to attend any of the sessions. We encourage you to share this link with fellow educators.


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How Can We Address Unfinished Learning in K-8 Math Classrooms?


How Can We Address Unfinished Learning in K-8 Math Classrooms?

Zak Champagne  

The COVID-19 global pandemic created an exceptionally unique situation for the education community, requiring dramatic shifts to different modes of instruction and learning across the country. It is unquestionable that this amount of change during a global pandemic has caused many students to have unfinished learning in mathematics. Teachers are now faced with the challenge of how to address this with their students. Join us for a 45-minute, interactive session where Zak Champagne will explore tangible and specific strategies for how you can address the unfinished learning in the K-8 mathematics classroom.

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Tapping into Intrinsic Motivation to Engage Students


Tapping into Intrinsic Motivation to Engage Students

Kathy Leh  

What motivates your students? In this session, we will explore ways to nurture an intrinsic interest in learning as opposed to external motivation.

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Boys & Literacy: Addressing Reading Reticence to Ensure Success


Boys & Literacy: Addressing Reading Reticence to Ensure Success

Frank Serafini  

Did you know that males are three times more likely to be retained than their female classmates? Or that 90% of students identified as learning disabled are male? In this interactive session, Dr. Frank Serafini examines the research regarding males and literacy schooling, and offers strategies to ensure they are not left behind. As we reflect on this past school year and all of the lost instructional opportunities, it is imperative that we provide effective instruction to each and every student. Join us as Dr. Serafini provides guidance on how we can do just that.

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Unfinished Learning: Forging Lasting Connections for English Learners Through Building Background


Unfinished Learning: Forging Lasting Connections for English Learners Through Building Background

MaryEllen Vogt  

Creating connections between content lessons and students’ previous learning, past experiences, and vocabulary knowledge can be especially challenging—now more than ever. Dr. Vogt will suggest culturally responsive and highly effective ways to activate and build on what students know and can do. The webinar will help you encourage students to connect the content and academic language you’re teaching whether via Zoom or face-to-face.

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How Can We Address Unfinished Learning in High School Math Classrooms?


How Can We Address Unfinished Learning in High School Math Classrooms?

Eric Milou  

The COVID-19 global pandemic created an exceptionally unique situation for the education community, requiring dramatic shifts to different modes of instruction and learning across the country. It is unquestionable that this amount of change during a global pandemic has caused many students to have unfinished learning in mathematics. Teachers are now faced with the challenge of how to address this with their students. Join us for a 45-minute, interactive session with Eric Milou where we will explore tangible and specific strategies for how we can address the unfinished learning in the high school mathematics classroom.

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Unfinished Learning: Rebuilding and Recovery for Reading English/Language Arts


Unfinished Learning: Rebuilding and Recovery for Reading English/Language Arts (Grades 2-12)

Elfrieda (Freddy) H. Hiebert  

There are three main aspects of ELA learning that are “unfinished” for students as a result of the pandemic: 1) knowledge and vocabulary about new topics, 2) automaticity in reading texts silently, and 3) engagement in and inspiration from reading. Renowned literacy expert “Freddy” Hiebert will offer insights, strategies, and solutions that are transferable and practical to help your students accelerate and become stronger readers.

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