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K-5 Supplemental Literacy Program

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Building a Literacy Foundation One Sort at a Time
Sign up for your FREE demo

  • Online interactive word sort and hands-on practice
  • Sort letter sounds, sort concepts, sort pictures
  • Active, not passive learning—encourage ownership
  • Target each child’s instructional level, reduce frustration
  • 5 developmental spelling stages guide progress
  • Teach word knowledge, not memorization
  • Model sorts on a whiteboard, get tips and routines
  • Manage it all in 15 to 20 minutes per day

From the Leading Authorities on Word Study
Donald Bear, Marcia Invernizzi, Francine Johnston,
Shane Templeton, and Lori Helman

When students sort words they are engaged in the active process of searching, comparing, contrasting, and analyzing. Word sorts help students organize what they know about words and to form generalizations that they can then apply to new words they encounter in their reading. Donald Bear, et al.

A Home for All Your Content, Lessons, Assessments, and Student Data

  • One site, one easy login, one great place to be
  • Works with your school or district’s LMS
  • IMS OneRoster™ simplicity for student rostering
  • Online/offline with full synchronization
  • Early learner navigation at the flip of a switch