A complete picture of the dynamic computer science field!

Accessible to students from all backgrounds, Computer Science: An Overview, Thirteenth Edition encourages the development of a practical, realistic understanding of the field. Students learn the fundamentals of computing to broaden their understanding of how computing and technology influence the world around them. Features include:

  • An overview of each of the important areas of Computer Science—Problem solving, Networking, OS, Computer Architecture, Algorithms, Programming, and the Internet.
  • Follows a bottom-up arrangement of subjects that progresses from the concrete to the abstract.
  • Individual chapters are independent and can be covered in an order that fits course preferences.
  • Uses Python programming for active learning, exploration, and experimentation.
  • Ethical and legal aspects of areas such as Internet security, software engineering, and database technology are covered.

Built for success 

This program is fully correlated to the new College Board’s AP® Computer Science Principles Curriculum Framework.


Now in color! 

Most modern programming interfaces use color to aid the programmer’s understanding of code; your computer science textbook should do no less. Now in 4-color, the Thirteenth Edition is ideal for your visual learners. It features many figures and diagrams in addition to utilizing syntax coloring to clarifying code and pseudocode segments in the text.


Enhance Student Participation

Social Issues at the end of each chapter are designed for thought and discussion. Use them to start engaging classroom discussion or to launch research assignments culminating in short written or oral reports.


Focus on the essentials

Essential Knowledge Statement call-outs feature key information throughout each chapter.


Discipline: Career & Technical Education

Copyright: 2019

Grade(s): 9 - 12

Delivery Method: Blended (Print & Digital)

Funding Sources: Carl D. Perkins, ESSER

Computer Science: An Overview, AP Version, 13th Edition

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