US History Colonization - Reconstruction Texas - MS

US History Colonization - Reconstruction Texas - MS

Table of Contents

United States History Colonization Through 1877 Grade 8

Topic 1 The Early Americas and European Exploration

  • 1.1 The Early Americas
  • 1.2 Early Europe, Africa, and Asia
  • 1.3 European Exploration in the Americas

Topic 2 European Colonization of North America

  • 2.1 Spanish Colonization and New Spain
  • 2.2 The First French, Dutch, and English Colonies
  • 2.3 The New England Colonies
  • 2.4 The Middle Colonies

Topic 3 The Revolutionary Era

  • 3.1 The French and Indian War
  • 3.2 Tensions with Britain
  • 3.3 Taking Up Arms
  • 3.4 Declaring Independence
  • 3.5 Winning Independence

Topic 4 A Constitution for the United States

  • 4.1 A Weak Confederation
  • 4.2 Drafting a Constitution
  • 4.3 Ideas That Influenced the Constitution
  • 4.4 Federalists, Antifederalists, and the Bill of Rights
  • 4.5 Understanding the Constitution
  • 4.6 Amending the Constitution
  • 4.7 Citizen’s Rights and Responsibilities

Topic 5 The Early Republic

  • 5.1 Washington’s Presidency
  • 5.2 The Origins of Political Parties
  • 5.3 John Adams’s Presidency
  • 5.4 Jefferson’s Presidency
  • 5.5 Madison and the War of 1812
  • 5.6 Monroe’s Presidency

Topic 6 The Age of Jackson and Westward Expansion

  • 6.1 Jackson Wins the Presidency
  • 6.2 Political Conflict and Economic Crisis
  • 6.3 Native Americans on the Frontier
  • 6.4 Westward Movement
  • 6.5 Settling Oregon Country
  • 6.6 Independence for Texas
  • 6.7 Manifest Destiny in California and the Southwest

Topic 7 Society and Culture Before the Civil War

  • 7.1 The Industrial Revolution and Life in the North
  • 7.2 King Cotton and Life in the South
  • 7.3 Reform Movements
  • 7.4 Abolitionism
  • 7.5 Women’s Rights
  • 7.6 Arts and Literature

Topic 8 Sectionalism and Civil War

  • 8.1 Conflicts and Compromises
  • 8.2 Growing Tensions
  • 8.3 Division and the Outbreak of War
  • 8.4 The Course of War
  • 8.5 Emancipation and Life in Wartime
  • 8.6 The War’s End

Topic 9 The Reconstruction Era

  • 9.1 Early Reconstruction
  • 9.2 Radical Reconstruction
  • 9.3 Reconstruction and Southern Society
  • 9.4 The Aftermath of Reconstruction
  • 9.5 Western Agriculture
  • 9.6 Hardships for Native Americans
  • 9.7 Mining, Railroads, and the Economy

Texas United States History 1877 to the Present

Review Past Learnings

  • R.1 Colonies and Revolution
  • R.2 Founding a New Nation
  • R.3 America in the Early 1800s
  • R.4 The Union in Crisis
  • R.5 The Civil War
  • R.6 The Reconstruction Era

Topic 1 Industry and Immigration

  • 1.1 Innovation Boosts Growth
  • 1.2 Big Business Rises
  • 1.3 The Organized Labor Movement
  • 1.4 The New Immigrants
  • 1.5 A Nation of Cities
  • 1.6 New Ways of Life

Topic 2 Challenges in the Late 1800s

  • 2.1 American Indians Under Pressure
  • 2.2 The West Is Transformed
  • 2.3 Corruption Plagues the Nation

Topic 3 America Comes of Age

  • 3.1 Progressives Drive Reform
  • 3.2 Women Gain Rights
  • 3.3 Striving for Equality
  • 3.4 Reformers in the White House
  • 3.5 American Influence Grows
  • 3.6 The Spanish-American War
  • 3.7 The United States Emerges as a World Power

Topic 4 World War I and the 1920s

  • 4.1 America Enters World War I
  • 4.2 The Home Front During World War I
  • 4.3 The End of World War I
  • 4.4 The Postwar Economy Booms
  • 4.5 Government in the 1920s
  • 4.6 An Unsettled Society
  • 4.7 The Roaring Twenties
  • 4.8 The Harlem Renaissance

Topic 5 The Great Depression and the New Deal

  • 5.1 Causes of the Depression
  • 5.2 Americans Suffer
  • 5.3 Two Presidents Respond
  • 5.4 The New Deal Expands
  • 5.5 Effects of the New Deal
  • 5.6 Culture During the Depression

Topic 6 World War II

  • 6.1 Rise of Aggressive Dictators
  • 6.2 America Debates Involvement
  • 6.3 America Enters World War II
  • 6.4 A War on Two Fronts
  • 6.5 The Home Front
  • 6.6 The Allies Win Word War II
  • 6.7 The Holocaust
  • 6.8 Impact of World War II

Topic 7 Postwar America

  • 7.1 The Beginning of the Cold War
  • 7.2 The Korean War
  • 7.3 The Cold War Intensifies
  • 7.4 Cold War Fears at Home
  • 7.5 Postwar Prosperity
  • 7.6 Mass Culture in the 1950s
  • 7.7 Social Issues of the 1950s

Topic 8 Civil Rights and Reform in the 1960s

  • 8.1 The Civil Rights Movement Strengthens
  • 8.2 The Movement Surges Forward
  • 8.3 Successes and Setbacks
  • 8.4 Kennedy’s Reforms
  • 8.5 Reform Under Johnson

Topic 9 The Vietnam War Era

  • 9.1 The Cold War and Vietnam
  • 9.2 America’s Role Escalates
  • 9.3 The Antiwar Movement
  • 9.4 The War’s End and Effects

Topic 10 An Era of Change

  • 10.1 The Counterculture of the 1960s
  • 10.2 The Women’s Rights Movement
  • 10.3 Expanding the Push for Equality
  • 10.4 The Environmental Movement
  • 10.5 The Two Sides of the Nixon Presidency,
  • 10.6 Ford and Carter Struggle

Topic 11 America in the 1980s and 1990s

  • 11.1 The Conservative Movement Surges
  • 11.2 The Reagan Era
  • 11.3 The Cold War Ends
  • 11.4 A New Era in Foreign Policy
  • 11.5 Clinton and the 1990s

Topic 12 America in the Twenty-First Century

  • 12.1 America and the World Economy
  • 12.2 The George W. Bush Presidency
  • 12.3 The Barack Obama Presidency
  • 12.4 Americans Look to the Future