Interactive Science Grades K-5

Elementary School Science Curriculum


Inquiry-based Science Instruction for Next Generation Classrooms

Interactive Science is a complete science curriculum for Grades K-5 students. Lessons engage students in science inquiry; STEM activities; and problem-based, hands-on learning. Blended print and digital experiences engage students and support Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)*. Interactive Science includes strong literacy connections for elementary learners. High-quality science resources, strategies, and guidance help teachers awaken students’ sense of curiosity as they learn about science.


Next Generation Science Standards*

Interactive Science supports Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI), Crosscutting Concepts, and NGSS Practices. NGSS Performance Expectation (PE) activities are included in the Teacher’s Edition.

Interactive Science for Grades K-5 follows Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
Interactive Science for Grades K-5 introduces STEM content in your elementary classroom.

Teach STEM Confidently

Introduce STEM content, skills, and practices in your elementary classroom with ease. Using the new Quests, students explore real-life STEM issues through hands-on, investigative, and collaborative activities. STEM activities embedded throughout the program promote higher-order, critical-thinking skills with proven results.


Scaffold Inquiry Experiences

Teacher-directed science inquiry leads to open inquiry in every lesson. Scaffolded instruction within Interactive Science includes models, prompts, and think-alouds to challenge learners to become independent.

Interactive Science for Grades K-5 Teacher-directed science inquiry sample lesson.
Interactive Science targets critical reading and writing skills in the Write-In Student Edition.

Integrate Reading and Writing

Interactive Science targets critical reading and writing skills in the Write-In Student Edition. Support literacy with Content Leveled Readers, Vocabulary Smart Cards, and writing for different purposes.


Assess to Understand Student Needs

A rich mix of assessment options helps track student progress and focus science learning. Online options include auto-graded lesson quizzes and student data on NGSS mastery.

Interactive Science for Grades K-5 student assessment sample on tablet.


*Next Generation Science Standards is a registered trademark of Achieve. Neither Achieve nor the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Science Standards were involved in the production of this product, and do not endorse it.


Discipline: Science

Copyright: 2016

Grade(s): K - 5

Delivery Method: Blended (Print & Digital)

Device: Tablet, Computer

Operating System: Android, iOS, Windows, Chrome OS, Mac OS

Funding Sources: ESSER

Interactive Science K-5

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