Exploring Careers for the 21st Century:
Table of Contents

Part 1: Careers and You

Chapter 1: Your Personal Strengths 

Chapter 2: The Roles we Play

Chapter 3: Why We Work

Chapter 4: Exploring the Career Clusters

Chapter 5: Think Like an Entrepreneur

Part 2: Career Preparation

Chapter 6: Skills for Success

Chapter 7: Academic Planning 

Chapter 8: Communicating with Others

Chapter 9: Building Relationships

Chapter 10: Basic Math Skills

Part 3: Career Development

Chapter 11: Technology and Your Career

Chapter 12: Career Planning 

Chapter 13: Managing a Job Search

Chapter 14: Getting Started in Your Career

Chapter 15: Being Productive in Your Career

Chapter 16: Living a Healthy and Balanced Life

Part 4: Entrepreneurial Thinking 

Chapter 17: Starting Your Own Business

Chapter 18: Planning Your Own Business

Chapter 19: Managing Your Business

Part 5: Financial Management

Chapter 20: Personal Money Management 

Chapter 21: Personal Financial Planning

Chapter 22: Basic Economics

Chapter 23: Basic Business Financial Management

Chapter 24: Financial Calculations for Business


A: Business Management Issues

B: Sample Business Plan

C: Joining a Student Organization 

D: Language Arts

E: Math Review