Essential Questions tied to recurring issues throughout the program inspire students to go beyond the facts and connect what they are learning to their lives and the larger world around them.
By weaving the Essential Questions throughout the program, students develop a deep understanding through thought-provoking inquiry. Students explore issues, shift their perspective and transfer what they’ve uncovered throughout the lesson and onto the next.
Introduced at the beginning of each chapter, the Concept Connector gets students to think critically about the enduring issue and essential questions associated with the lesson. The review at the end of every chapter reinforces the significance of the previous key issues and debates.
Explore more online for yourself! Explore the essential question “Why do political revolutions occur?”
Again and again, students revisit the enduring issues that people have wrestled with throughout history. Students use their journal to track key concepts over time with multiple examples to build their understanding for each question. They engage in exploration activities and write an essay.
Create your own student-generated videos to lend a peer perspective to the Essential Questions. A key facet of 21st Century Skills is the ability for students to engage the world with the types of tools they will encounter on the job and throughout their lives. World History provides teachers and students a starting point to create their own video outcomes for the Essential Questions throughout the program.
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