Population Ecology to Biodiversity to Waste Management…and beyond. Environmental Science: Your World, Your Turn provides just the right depth and breadth of content for your classroom.
Front Matter: Math Basics
Front Matter: Understanding Graphs
Enduring Understanding: We can use science to study and understand the complex interactions between humans and their environments.
Chapter 1. An Introduction to Environmental Science
Big Question: How do scientists uncover, research, and solve environmental problems?
Central Case: Fixing a Hole in The Sky
1.1 Our Island, Earth
1.2 The Nature of Science
1.3 The Community of Science
Chapter 2. Environmental Policy and Economics
Big Question: How can we best balance our own interests and needs with the health of the environment?
Central case: Cleaning the Tides of San Diego and Tijuana
2.1 Economics
2.2 United States Environmental Policy
2.3 International Environmental Policy and Approaches
Chapter 3. Earth’s Environmental Systems
Big Question: How do the nonliving parts of Earth’s systems provide the basic materials to support life?
Central Case: The Gulf of Mexico’s Dead Zone
3.1 Matter and the Environment
3.2 Systems in Environmental Science
3.3 Earth’s Spheres
3.4 Biogeochemical Cycles
Enduring Understanding: Life on Earth depends on interactions among organisms and between organisms and their environment.
Chapter 4. Population Ecology
Big Question: How do changes in population size and ecosystems affect each other?
Central Case: Finding Gold in a Costa Rican Cloud Forest
4.1 Studying Ecology
4.2 Describing Populations
4.3 Population Growth
Chapter 5. Evolution and Community Ecology
Big Question: How do organisms affect each other’s survival and environment?
Central Case: Black and White, and Spread All Over
5.1 Evolution
5.2 Species Interactions
5.3 Ecological Communities
5.4 Community Stability
Chapter 6. Biomes and Aquatic Ecosystems
Big Question: How does the environment affect where and how an organism lives?
Central Case: Too Much of a Good Thing
6.1 Defining Biomes
6.2 Biomes
6.3 Aquatic Ecosystems
Chapter 7. Biodiversity and Conservation
Big Question: Why is it important to protect biodiversity?
Central Case: Saving the Siberian Tiger
7.1 Our Planet of Life
7.2 Extinction and Biodiversity Loss
7.3 Protecting Biodiversity
Enduring Understanding: Humans impact the global environment more than any other species alive today.
Chapter 8. Human Population
Big Question: How does the human population affect the environment?
Central Case: China’s One-Child Policy
8.1 Trends in Human Population Growth
8.2 Predicting Population Growth
8.3 Humans and Their Environments
Chapter 9. Environmental Health
Big Question: What is the relationship between environmental health and our own health?
Central Case: The Rise and Fall--and Rise?-- of DDT
9.1 An Overview of Environmental Health
9.2 Biological and Social Hazards
9.3 Toxins in the Environment
9.4 Natural Disasters
Chapter 10. Urbanization
Big Question: How can we balance our needs for housing and jobs with the needs of the environment?
Central Case: Growing Pains in Portland, Oregon
10.1 Land Use and Urbanization
10.2 Sprawl
10.3 Sustainable Cities
Enduring Understanding: We need to use Earth’s finite resources in a sustainable way.
Chapter 11. Forestry and Resource Management
Big Question: How can we use Earth’s resources sustainably?
Central Case: Battling over Clayoquot’s Big Trees
11.1 Resource Management
11.2 Forest Resources
11.3 Forest Management
Chapter 12. Soil and Agriculture
Big Question: How can we balance our growing demand for food with our need to protect the land from which it comes?
Central Case: Possible Transgenic Maize in Oaxaca, Mexico
12.1 Soil
12.2 Soil Degradation and Conservation
12.3 Agriculture
12.4 Food Production
Chapter 13. Mineral Resources and Mining
Big Question: At what point do the costs of mining outweigh the benefits?
Central Case: Mining For … Cell Phones
13.1 Minerals and Rocks
13.2 Mining
13.3 Mining Impact and Regulation
Chapter 14. Water Resources
Big Question: Why are we running out of water?
Central Case: Looking for Water … in the Desert
14.1 Earth: The Water Planet
14.2 Uses of Fresh Water
14.3 Water Pollution
Chapter 15. The Atmosphere
Big Question: How can we ensure everyone has clean air to breathe?
Central Case: Charging Toward Cleaner Air in London
15.1 Earth’s Atmosphere
15.2 Pollution of the Atmosphere
15.3 Controlling Air Pollution
Enduring Understanding: Today’s decisions define our future environment.
Chapter 16. Global Climate Change
Big Question: What are the causes and consequences of a warming Earth?
Central Case: Rising Seas May Flood the Maldive Islands
16.1 Our Dynamic Climate
16.2 Global Warming
16.3 Effects of Climate Change
16.4 Responding to Climate Change
Chapter 17. Nonrenewable Energy
Big Question: Can we depend on nonrenewable energy sources for our energy needs?
Central Case: Oil or Wilderness on Alaska’s North Slope?
17.1 Energy: An Overview
17.2 Fossil Fuels
17.3 Harmful Effects of Fossil Fuels
17.4 Nuclear Power
Chapter 18. Renewable Energy Alternatives
Big Question: What are the potential uses and limitations of renewable energy sources
Central Case: Germany’s Big Bet on Renewable Energy
18.1 The Need for Alternative Energy
18.2 Biomass and Geothermal Energy
18.3 Hydroelectric and Ocean Energy
18.4 Solar and Wind Energy
18.5 Energy from Hydrogen
Chapter 19. Waste Management
Big Question: How do our choices as consumers and waste producers affect our environment?
Central Case: Transforming New York’s Fresh Kills Landfill
19.1 Municipal and Industrial Solid Waste
19.2 Minimizing Solid Waste
19.3 Hazardous Waste