Implementing the SIOP® Model Through Effective Professional Development and Coaching†
Take your program for English learners to the next level and learn to effectively implement the SIOP® Model with the guidance of Jana Echevarría, MaryEllen Vogt, and Deborah Short!
“This book is an answer to so many of the questions that teachers have about how to enhance their teaching. This book is a welcome addition to our program and would be one of those books that teachers would keep and use for a long time.”
–Julia S. Austin, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Trusted by more than 350,000 educators, the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP ® ) Model provides the key to best practices for teaching English learners. Now, in response to the overwhelming success of the SIOP ® Model, the renowned author team has crafted a fresh, indispensable resource for educators, Implementing the SIOP ® Model through Effective Professional Development and Coaching. This book empowers teachers, professional development coordinators, coaches, and administrators with complete access to the “how” and “why” of the SIOP ® Model–from getting started to sustaining the program–all in one place to meet your professional development and coaching needs.
Guidance every educator can use!
Voices from the Field: Educators from sixteen U.S. school districts share their stories about the challenges and the successes in meeting the needs of their ELLs. Their suggestions include school and district-level SIOP ® implementation strategies for success.
Models of SIOP ® Implementation: There is no one-size-fits-all approach; the authors offer a variety of models of implementation so you can find one that most closely matches your own school or district context.
Coaching Do’s and Don’ts: Current SIOP ® coaches tell how they have set up coaching programs and formed SIOP ® teams at their schools, and discuss what expertise SIOP ® coaches need and how their responsibilities may differ from those of other coaches.
Classroom Implementation of the SIOP ® Model: Classroom teachers have the greatest responsibility for providing effective and appropriate instruction. This book offers specific recommendations for creating SIOP ® -based classrooms that truly promote academic literacy and content learning.
Implementation Tools: You will find a wealth of resources from sample agendas for SIOP ® staff development and classroom observation checklists to lesson plan forms, self-assessment tools, and coaching tips–all to help you successfully implement the SIOP ® Model.
Product Name: Implementing the SIOP® Model Through Effective Professional Development and Coaching
Invoice Title: Implementing the SIOP Model Through Effe
ISBN-10: 0205533337
ISBN-13: 9780205533336
† - Items can only be purchased with PO or school credit card.
The SIOP® Model for Teaching Mathematics to English Learners†
Enhance your Mathematics content instruction with the SIOP Model and transform the academic English and mathematics skills of your English learners.
Based on the best-selling resource, Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model by acclaimed authors Jana Echevarria, MaryEllen Vogt, and Deborah Short; teachers, coaches, and intervention teachers have access to research-based, SIOP-tested techniques for lessons specifically for the mathematics classroom. This highly anticipated book, The SIOP Model for Teaching Mathematics to English Learners addresses the issues faced in teaching math to English learners (ELs) at each grade-level. SIOP techniques and activities organized around the eight SIOP components guide educators in promoting academic language development along with comprehensible mathematics content.
Written for SIOP teachers and those who have learned the SIOP Model, this book includes proven, effective math lessons and comprehensive units designed by SIOP math educators Araceli Avila and Melissa Castillo. In addition, this book provides ideas to adapt the techniques for students at different levels of English proficiency. This book is sure to become an indispensable resource for math educators of English learners.
Presents a systematic process for teaching both the academic content of mathematics and its associated academic language to English learners.
Offers ideas and activities about teaching mathematics and organizes activities by grade-bands—K-2, 3-5 (or 6), 6-8, and 9-12 and SIOP components.
Provides use-tomorrow ideas and activities for implementing the eight components of the SIOP Model in a mathematics classroom.
Includes lesson plans and comprehensive units that illustrate how a particular activity can be effective for ALL students, not just English learners.
Create the ideal SIOP classroom with other resourcesfrom the SIOP Model Series: 99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP Model; Implementing the SIOP Model through Effective Coaching and Professional Development; The SIOP Model for Administrators; Making Content Comprehensible for Elementary English Learners; and Making Content Comprehensible for Secondary English Learners ; The SIOP Model for Teaching Math to English Learners; The SIOP Model for Teaching Social Studies to English Learners; and The SIOP Model for Teaching Science to English Learners (all published by Savvas)
Product Name: The SIOP® Model for Teaching Mathematics to English Learners
Invoice Title: SIOP Model for Teaching Mathematics to E
ISBN-10: 0205627587
ISBN-13: 9780205627585
† - Items can only be purchased with PO or school credit card.
The SIOP® Model for Teaching English Language Arts to English Learners†
Enhance your English-language arts content instruction with the SIOP Model and transform your English learners into readers, writers and speakers of English.
Based on the best-selling resource, Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model by acclaimed authors Jana Echevarria, MaryEllen Vogt, and Deborah Short, reading and English teacher’s literacy coaches, intervention teachers, and reading specialists have access to research-based, SIOP-tested techniques for lessons specifically for the English-language arts (ELA) classroom. This highly anticipated book, The SIOP Model for Teaching English-Language Arts to English Learners addresses the issues faced in educating English learners (ELs) in ELA at each grade-level. SIOP techniques and activities organized around the eight SIOP components guide educators in promoting academic language development along with comprehensible content.
Written for SIOP teachers and those who have learned the SIOP Model, this book includes proven, effective English-language arts lessons and comprehensive units designed by SIOP language arts educators Karlin LaPorta and Lisa Mitchener. In addition, this book provides ideas to adapt the techniques for students at different levels of English proficiency. This invaluable resource is sure to become an indispensable resource for ELA educators of English learners.
Presents a systematic process for teaching both the ELA academic content and ELA academic language to English learners.
Offers ideas and activities about teaching ELA and organizes activities by grade-bands—K-2, 3-5 (or 6), 6-8, and 9-12 and SIOP components.
Provides use-tomorrow ideas and activities for implementing the eight components of the SIOP Model in an ELA classroom.
Includes lesson plans and comprehensive units that illustrate how a particular activity can be effective for ALL students, not just English learners.
Create the ideal SIOP classroom with other resourcesfrom the SIOP Model Series: 99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP Model; Implementing the SIOP Model through Effective Coaching and Professional Development; The SIOP Model for Administrators; Making Content Comprehensible for Elementary English Learners; Making Content Comprehensible for Secondary English Learners; The SIOP Model for Teaching Math to English Learners; The SIOP Model for Teaching Social Studies to English Learners; and The SIOP Model for Teaching Science to English Learners (all published by Savvas)
Product Name: The SIOP® Model for Teaching English Language Arts to English Learners
Invoice Title: SIOP Model for Teaching English Language
ISBN-10: 0205627609
ISBN-13: 9780205627608
† - Items can only be purchased with PO or school credit card.
The SIOP® Model for Teaching Science to English Learners†
Enhance your Science content instruction with the SIOP Model and transform the academic English and science skills of your English learners.
Based on the best-selling resource, Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model by acclaimed authors Jana Echevarria, MaryEllen Vogt, and Deborah Short; teachers, coaches, and intervention teachers have access to research-based, SIOP-tested techniques for lessons specifically for the science classroom. This highly anticipated book, The SIOP Model for Teaching Science to English Learners addresses the issues faced in teaching science to English learners (ELs) at each grade-level. SIOP techniques and activities organized around the eight SIOP components guide educators in promoting academic language development along with comprehensible scientific content.
Written for SIOP teachers and those who have learned the SIOP Model, this book includes proven, effective science lessons and comprehensive units. In addition, this book provides ideas to adapt the techniques for students at different levels of English proficiency. This book is sure to become an indispensable resource for science educators of English learners.
· Presents a systematic process for teaching both the academic content of science and its associated academic language to English learners.
· Offers ideas and activities about teaching science and organizes activities by grade-bands—K-2, 3-5 (or 6), 6-8, and 9-12 and SIOP components.
· Provides use-tomorrow ideas and activities for implementing the eight components of the SIOP Model in a science classroom.
· Includes lesson plans and comprehensive units that illustrate how a particular activity can be effective for ALL students, not just English learners.
· Create the ideal SIOP classroom with other resources from the SIOP Model Series: 99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP Model; Implementing the SIOP Model through Effective Coaching and Professional Development; The SIOP Model for Administrators; Making Content Comprehensible for Elementary English Learners; and Making Content Comprehensible for Secondary English Learners; The SIOP Model for Teaching Math to English Learners; The SIOP Model for Teaching Social Studies to English Learners; and The SIOP Model for Teaching Science to English Learners (all published by Savvas)
Product Name: The SIOP® Model for Teaching Science to English Learners
Invoice Title: SIOP Model for Teaching Science to Engli
ISBN-10: 0205627595
ISBN-13: 9780205627592
† - Items can only be purchased with PO or school credit card.
The SIOP® Model for Teaching History/Social Studies to English Learners†
Enhance your History-Social Studies content instruction with the SIOP Model and transform the academic English and content area skills of your English learners.
Based on the best-selling resource, Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model by acclaimed authors Jana Echevarria, MaryEllen Vogt, and Deborah Short; teachers, coaches, and intervention teachers have access to research-based, SIOP-tested techniques for lessons specifically for the History-Social Studies classrooms. This highly anticipated book, The SIOP Model for Teaching History-Social Studies to English Learners addresses the issues faced in teaching history-social studies to English learners (ELs) at each grade-level. SIOP techniques and activities organized around the eight SIOP components guide educators in promoting academic language development along with comprehensible content.
Written for SIOP teachers and those who have learned the SIOP Model, this book includes proven, effective lessons and comprehensive units. In addition, this book provides ideas to adapt the techniques for students at different levels of English proficiency. This book is sure to become an indispensable resource for history-social studies educators of English learners.
Presents a systematic process for teaching both the academic content of history-social studies and its associated academic language to English learners.
Offers ideas and activities about teaching history-social studies and organizes activities by grade-bands–K-2, 3-5 (or 6), 6-8, and 9-12 and SIOP components.
Provides use-tomorrow ideas and activities for implementing the eight components of the SIOP Model in a history-social studies classroom.
Includes lesson plans and comprehensive units that illustrate how a particular activity can be effective for ALL students, not just English learners.
Create the ideal SIOP classroom with other resourcesfrom the SIOP Model Series: 99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP Model; Implementing the SIOP Model through Effective Coaching and Professional Development; The SIOP Model for Administrators; Making Content Comprehensible for Elementary English Learners; and Making Content Comprehensible for Secondary English Learners ; The SIOP Model for Teaching Math to English Learners; The SIOP Model for Teaching English - Language Arts to English Learners; and The SIOP Model for Teaching Science to English Learners (all published by Savvas)
Product Name: The SIOP® Model for Teaching History/Social Studies to English Learners
Invoice Title: SIOP Model for Teaching History-Social S
ISBN-10: 0205627617
ISBN-13: 9780205627615
† - Items can only be purchased with PO or school credit card.
Using the SIOP® Model with Pre-K and Kindergarten English Learners†
This new addition to the best-selling SIOP® Model series shows how to use the SIOP® Model with pre-K and kindergarten English learners so they can fully participate in all aspects of early schooling.
Understand the young English learner and language development, learn all eight components of the SIOP Model (lesson preparation, building background, comprehensible input and strategies, interaction and lesson delivery, practice & application and review & assessment), and see how other programs have used the SIOP Model to create an optimal learning environment for their young students.
Focuses on preschool-aged children and kindergarteners—and shows how to create an effective and developmentally appropriate instructional setting for these young English learners.
Provides an overview of the SIOP Model—and explains its research support and application to early childhood programs.
Describes the young English learner, current demographic trends and the fundamentals of language development early in the book—to provide a context for later material (Chapters 2 and 3).
Devotes four chapters to the eight components of the SIOP Model—so educators learn how to use lesson preparation, building background, comprehensible input and strategies, interaction and lesson delivery, practice & application and review & assessment with their young English learners (Chapters 4-7).
Provides a sample lesson plan and highlights three sample programs—so educators can see how to implement the framework in different settings and circumstances.
Includes a comprehensive version of the SIOP protocol and an abbreviated version—so educators learn how to use the tool to observe lessons, provide feedback, and support other teachers (Chapter 9 and Appendix A).
Product Name: Using the SIOP® Model with Pre-K and Kindergarten English Learners
Invoice Title: Using THE SIOP® MODEL with Pre-K and Ki
ISBN-10: 0137085230
ISBN-13: 9780137085231
† - Items can only be purchased with PO or school credit card.
Making Content Comprehensible for Elementary English Learners: The SIOP Model, with Enhanced Pearson® eText--Access Card Package†
In this comprehensive guide, elementary educators receive a user-friendly approach for planning and implementing lessons that provide students access to grade-level content, develop students’ academic English skills, and prepare students to be college- and career-ready. Proven successful in improving teaching effectiveness and realizing academic gains for students, the SIOP® Model presented in this book can be implemented in all content areas, and across grade levels and English proficiency levels.
Highlights of the 3rd Edition include specific applications of SIOP® to college and career readiness standards, as well as new educational reforms such as ESSA. To help teachers implement the SIOP® Model, new learning aids have been added, including Reflect and Apply exercises, Teaching with Technology vignettes, a new SIOP® lesson plan template and sample lesson plans, and a new user-friendly approach to identifying and writing language objectives. The Enhanced Savvas eText version provides embedded video links that enable educators to see the SIOP Model in action, along with interviews featuring SIOP® educators.
For more information about SIOP® Professional Learning offerings, please visit
Product Name: Making Content Comprehensible for Elementary English Learners: The SIOP Model, with Enhanced Pearson® eText--Access Card Package
Invoice Title: Making Content Comprehensible for Elemen
ISBN-10: 0134550129
ISBN-13: 9780134550121
† - Items can only be purchased with PO or school credit card.
Making Content Comprehensible for Secondary English Learners: The SIOP Model, with Enhanced Pearson® eText--Access Card Package†
In this comprehensive guide, secondary educators receive a user-friendly approach for planning and implementing lessons that provide students access to grade-level content, develop students’ academic English skills, and prepare students to be college- and career-ready. Proven successful in improving teaching effectiveness and realizing academic gains for students, the SIOP® Model presented in this book can be implemented in all content areas, and across grade levels and English proficiency levels.
Highlights of the 3rd Edition include specific applications of SIOP® to college and career readiness standards, as well as new educational reforms such as ESSA. To help teachers implement the SIOP® Model, new learning aids have been added, including Reflect and Apply exercises, Teaching with Technology vignettes, a new SIOP® lesson plan template and sample lesson plans, and a new user-friendly approach to identifying and writing language objectives. The Enhanced Savvas eText version provides embedded video links that enable educators to see the SIOP® Model in action, along with interviews featuring SIOP® educators.
For more information about SIOP® Professional Learning offerings, please visit
Product Name: Making Content Comprehensible for Secondary English Learners: The SIOP Model, with Enhanced Pearson® eText--Access Card Package
Invoice Title: Making Content Comprehensible for Second
ISBN-10: 0134550137
ISBN-13: 9780134550138
† - Items can only be purchased with PO or school credit card.
Response to Intervention and English Learners: Using the SIOP® Model, 2nd ed†
This authoritative guide for ensuring all students are able to achieve high standards is an essential resource for educators in any school with English learners. It provides practical help for designing and implementing effective RTI programs using the SIOP® Model, and ensuring the appropriate type of instruction that English leaners need and deserve. Response to Intervention (RTI) and English Learners, 2/e includes important background information on RTI; examines the academic and linguistic challenges that English learners face; and covers appropriate and effective multi-tier instruction, assessment, and intervention with RTI, specifically for English learners. The authors include recommendations for implementing the eight components of the SIOP® Model for Tier 1 within an RTI framework, and additional suggestions for implementing RTI in secondary schools.
Product Name: Response to Intervention and English Learners: Using the SIOP® Model, 2nd ed
Invoice Title: Response to Intervention (RTI) and Engli
ISBN-10: 013343107X
ISBN-13: 9780133431070
† - Items can only be purchased with PO or school credit card.
99 MORE Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP® Model†
The SIOP ® model is proven to be one of the most effective methods of teaching our English learners. Now teaching with SIOP is even easier with the second volume of Vogt, Echevarria, and Washam's 99 MORE Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP ® Model. Offering brand new, classroom-ready activities, this indispensable resource revisits SIOP ® and shows how to use it each day in the classroom. Whether searching for activities that build vocabulary, keep students highly engaged, or make content concepts clear, these teacher-tested strategies adhere to SIOP ® principles and reinforce best practice. Chapters are organized around SIOP ® 's eight components and thirty features, so teachers learn not only what activities to try, but also why they work. With its dual focus on implementation and understanding, this must-have resource helps you create a classroom where students progress both academically and in their English language proficiency.
Product Name: 99 MORE Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP® Model
Invoice Title: 99 MORE Ideas and Activities for Teachin
ISBN-10: 0133431061
ISBN-13: 9780133431063
† - Items can only be purchased with PO or school credit card.
Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model, with Enhanced Pearson® eText--Access Card Package†
Product Name: Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model, with Enhanced Pearson® eText--Access Card Package
Invoice Title: Making Content Comprehensible for Englis
ISBN-10: 0134403290
ISBN-13: 9780134403298
† - Items can only be purchased with PO or school credit card.
The SIOP® Model for Administrators, with Enhanced Pearson® eText -- Access Card Package†
A user-friendly guide for administrators that provides the knowledge, tools, and resources necessary to understand and oversee the implementation of the SIOP® Model for teaching English learners.
A must-read for all administrators whose schools enroll English learners, this book provides the tools needed for supervising the education of this growing population of learners. It introduces a comprehensive, coherent, research-validated model—the SIOP® Model—for teaching English learners and helping them meet rigorous academic standards. It also includes concrete techniques and advice from other administrators to help principals, coordinators, and others implement the model, and provides guidance for getting started and sustaining the intervention. While summarizing 20 years of research that has proven the SIOP® Model’s effectiveness for all grades and subject areas, the book explains the second language acquisition process so administrators can understand how students best learn new languages.
The SIOP® Model gives educators a user-friendly approach for planning and delivering lessons that 1) provide English learners and other students access to state standards and grade-level content, 2) develop students’ academic English skills, and 3) prepare students to be college and career ready. Using this book, administrators see how they can best support their teachers in the classrooms and assess their implementation of the model. Included in each chapter are videos of the SIOP® authors and key discussion points; Key Points summaries; and Reflect and Apply discussion questions. The final chapter highlights common questions from administrators about the SIOP® Model and provides answers grounded in real-life experiences in schools and districts.
The Enhanced Savvas eText provides a rich, interactive learning environment designed to improve student mastery of content with embedded videos.
For more information on related SIOP® events and professional learning, visit
Product Name: The SIOP® Model for Administrators, with Enhanced Pearson® eText -- Access Card Package
Invoice Title: SIOP Model for Administrators with Enhan
ISBN-10: 0134403274
ISBN-13: 9780134403274
† - Items can only be purchased with PO or school credit card.
Developing Academic Language with the SIOP Model†
In Developing Academic Language with the SIOP® Model, teachers and teacher candidates get an informative look at how to use the highly effective SIOP Model to design effective lessons that meet high standards, while scaffolding content information and promoting language skills and development for all students—English learners and native English speakers alike—in today’s age of the Common Core and other state standards. The focus is on ways to develop and advance English learners’ proficiency in academic English across all grades and all subjects so they are able to access and acquire information related to academic topics; communicate and produce information in academic contexts; and create and extend knowledge through linguistic, conceptual, and sociocultural choices. The book is packed with practical guidelines, activities, techniques, and sample lessons.
Product Name: Developing Academic Language with the SIOP Model
Invoice Title: Developing Academic Language with the SI
ISBN-10: 0137085249
ISBN-13: 9780137085248
† - Items can only be purchased with PO or school credit card.
99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP Model, 2nd Edition
99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP Model, 2nd Edition is your guide to effectively use the SIOP® Model instructional framework in your classroom. The text provides classroom-ready ideas and activities for each of the SIOP® Components, with a dual focus on making academic content comprehensible and developing academic language.
Product Name: 99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP Model, 2nd Edition
Invoice Title: 99 Ideas and Acti for Teach Eng w/SIOP
ISBN-10: 0135889677
ISBN-13: 9780135889671
Making Content Comprehensible for Multilingual Learners: The SIOP Model, 6th ed. (Hard copy text only)†
Making Content Comprehensible for Multilingual Learners: The SIOP Model, 6th edition (Hard Copy Text)
This text introduces and explains the SIOP® (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) Model, a comprehensive, coherent, research-validated instructional framework. Implementing the SIOP® Model improves teaching effectiveness and results in academic gains for students.
New to the 6th edition:
The new text incorporates advances in teaching multilingual learners, including asset orientation, MTSS, and a new chapter on collaborative/ co-teaching practices with SIOP.
Learn more about SIOP® at
Product Name: Making Content Comprehensible for Multilingual Learners: The SIOP Model, 6th ed. (Hard copy text only)
ISBN-10: 0137878850
ISBN-13: 9780137878857
† - Items can only be purchased with PO or school credit card.