
Flexible Implementation Models

With MyMathLab® for School, educators can choose a course that meets their unique curriculum goals and customize it to meet students’ needs. This program can be used in any environment; anytime/anywhere there is Internet access.

  • Traditional classrooms
  • Computer labs
  • 1-to-1 initiatives
  • Intervention classes
  • Distance learning
  • Summer School

The models below describe various implementations of MyMathLab based on your needs and goals. Take a read through the models to find what works best for you and your students.

Fully-Digital Course

MyMathLab provides an ideal solution for teachers teaching completely online. Teachers can bring up the interactive eText during virtual class time to go through a lesson and they can access videos, animations, and PowerPoint slides in the Multimedia Library that enhance the learning experience for students. Students have access to the eText and multimedia 24/7 so they may be referenced while working on homework assignments. All student work is auto-graded into the teacher’s Gradebook. If a student has a question outside of class hours, students can email their teacher from within MyMathLab. For class-wide announcements, the teacher can use the Discussion Board tool or post a message to the course Homepage for all students to see.

Instructional Supplement

MyMathLab is a wonderful tool to use as a supplement to a traditional class. Teachers can display the interactive eText on the board in class while teaching new topics, as well as click on related practice exercises for students to work on individually, in small groups, or as a class. The teacher can then assign daily or weekly homework exercises, quizzes and/or tests for students to do outside of class or in a school computer lab. This allows the teacher to reduce the amount of time spent grading papers while students get help and immediate feedback on their work. Teachers can use the Item Analysis feature in the Gradebook to quickly determine class or individual student strengths/weaknesses in order to assess what needs to be covered in class.L

Weekly Assessment

If students have limited access in class to computers, MyMathLab can be used for just one or two hours a week in a computer lab. During this time, teachers use MyMathLab to deliver assessments that will help them determine exactly what students have learned during the week. With this information, teachers can quickly create online or printed remediation exercises covering those objectives where students don’t quite measure up. Teachers can also pre-test students on upcoming lessons to determine which areas can be covered quickly and which topics need more in-depth instruction.

Practice with Teacher Supervision

In this model, students with similar mathematical backgrounds work in MyMathLab during class or in an after-school session with a teacher or tutor on hand to provide assistance as needed. Students work through learning objectives by using any of the variety of learning aids that are available in MyMathLab, but have their teacher there when they need individual assistance. This allows students who need special help from the teacher to get it—while those who can learn more independently are not held back, but can gain access to and practice with more advanced topics.


When the educational backgrounds of students are extremely varied, it is nearly impossible for a teacher to meet the needs of all the students in a class. (As you know, individualized instruction without technology is very difficult to achieve.) MyMathLab enables concurrent teaching—remediation and mastery at the same time in one classroom. It can be used to remediate those students who lack prerequisite skills while concurrently allowing students who have mastered the material to move on at a faster pace. Teachers use a pre-assessment to diagnose students’ current level of mastery. From there, students can either work in their personalized study plans or work on homework assignments that are personalized to address their weaknesses. Content can be delivered in modules where students are required to prove mastery with one concept before moving to the next level by making a predetermined score (such as 80%) he prerequisite concept. Students work through the entire course content proving mastery along the way with each concept.