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Career Connection: A Career in Forensic Science: Demystifying Myths

October 20, 2021 11:15 AM EST - October 20, 2021 12:00 PM EST

Crime dramas on television, and especially the CSI franchise, have helped promote public interest in forensic science, but they have created unrealistic expectations about the capabilities of forensic disciplines and the roles of forensic scientists. This presentation provides a more realistic view of careers in forensic science, with an emphasis on the education and training requirements to help students achieve their goals.

Speaker: Dr. Glen Jackson

Dr. Jackson is the Ming Hsieh Distinguished Professor of Forensic and Investigative Science at West Virginia University. His group's research has appeared in more than 80 publications, more than 120 conference presentations, three issued patents, and more than $5 million in external funding. He has taught numerous workshops to practicing forensic professionals and is an active forensic chemistry consultant. He has appeared on Nancy Grace Live, Forensic Files II, and his published research on trace human remains was once a storyline in Law and Order SVU.

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