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Journey Through Google Expeditions

May 19, 2020 02:00 PM EST - May 19, 2020 03:00 PM EST

How can you shift from presenting topics in isolation to creating learning experiences that integrate STEM education? COVID 19 has placed an emphasis on the ‘Why’ behind the need for STEM education. By integrating STEM, students gain understanding of topics as they figure out why something is happening or create a solution to a problem such as the current pandemic. The focus of learning needs to shift from the end product to the actual process of learning.

What is STEM, and how do you integrate it into your teaching? The acronym STEM highlights four disciplines that are critical in developing a workforce that is rapidly changing. The intent of STEM education was to create experiences in classrooms where students mirror what happens in our current workforce. With that in mind, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics were never meant to be presented in isolation. STEM education requires integration. In order to present students with learning opportunities that mirror the current workforce, integration reaches beyond the four STEM disciplines, and incorporates reading, social studies and the arts.

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