Webinars, Events & Training Archive

Results 81 - 90 of 152
On-Demand Origami Time! Where did the Rest of the Volume Go? ›
Come enjoy some mental gymnastics and fun critical thinking exercises. All you need is a sheet of paper, a ruler, scissors, pencil and your imagination.
On-Demand Career Connection: Boots to Booties ›
An immigrant from Mexico, Karine Chapa-Vargas joined the US Air Force to learn the skills needed to become a Certified Surgical Technologist for the last 20 yrs. She currently works at a level 1 trauma center where she is part of the abdominal transplant team.
On-Demand Career Connection: From Idea to Store Shelf: How Did I Get There? with Darren Coon ›
Starting out as a teacher, Darren Coon recognized a tremendous need in the classroom of encouraging kids to evolve the engineering design process. This prompted him to to develop TeacherGeek engineering and design materials which are now being used in thousands of classrooms and stores around the world.
On-Demand STEM Lesson/Activity: An Essential Resource ›
Students design a large water collection and retention tub and then propose methods for transporting the water from the tub to villagers in need of water.
On-Demand Teaching Writers: More than the Process (K-5) ›
Writing instruction that fosters young students into proficient writers includes some common best practices including immersing them in the style of writing, having one teaching point at a time, and choice in topics. In this session teachers will explore writing mini-lessons, using mentor texts, conferring, and providing feedback for writing. Teachers will leave with a bank of mini-lesson ideas for teaching opinion writing, as well as ideas for developing their own units of writing instruction.
On-Demand Career Connection: Surfers and their Microbiome ›
Cliff is a professional surfer and scientist from Hawai‘i. He spends his life chasing the best waves around the world and also looks to use science to protect those waves.
On-Demand STEM Lesson/Activity: Experimenting with Bugscocopter Flight ›
Students will make a helicopter-like Bugsocopter and experiment with factors that affect its speed in flight.
On-Demand Origami Time! Can you Make Hundreds of Objects from One Paper? ›
Come enjoy some mental gymnastics and fun critical thinking exercises. All you need is a sheet of paper, a ruler, scissors, pencil and your imagination.
On-Demand Career Connection: Fire Service and Science with Ernie Carter ›
Ernie Carter has been in the Fire Service for 22yrs. He uses science knowledge of chemical reactions and fire behavior in his different areas of expertise.
On-Demand Career Connection: Studying the Brain on Drugs ›
As a child of West Indian immigrants, Gwenaëlle (Gwen-Eye-Yell) learned to communicate science across cultures and fight against stigmas and taboos around mental illness. She graduated with a BS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and is currently pursuing a PhD in Neurobiology.

None currently available.

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Results 1 - 1 of 1
On-Demand myView Literacy: The Big Picture ›
Explore the myView Literacy instructional model. You'll see how this simple model will bring balance and flexibility to your classroom. Teach the critical skills and strategies students need to be highly competent thinkers, readers and writers.
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