Results 64 - 72 of 81


High School

COVID-19 and Other Dangerous Viral Diseases: Where do they come from? How can we fight them? Speaker: Joseph Levine

COVID-19 and Other Dangerous Viral Diseases: Where do they come from? How can we fight them? Speaker: Joseph Levine

SARS-CoV-2 is the newest viral threat to humanity, following HIV, SARS, MERS, and flu strains like the one that caused the 1918 pandemic. Why are some viruses so deadly? How do new ones arise and spread? Can we draw from experience to defeat this one? This webinar puts coronaviruses in context, discovering many topics you will soon cover in your biology course - genetics, ecology, evolution, and immunology.


High School

From 23 and Me to Three-Parent Babies. The new Human Genetics. Speaker: Ken Miller

From 23 and Me to Three-Parent Babies. The new Human Genetics. Speaker: Ken Miller

New techniques, such as CRISPR gene editing, mitochondrial transformation, and genetic drives, are changing the ways in which living organisms are studied and modified. Learn about these techniques and confront the social, moral, and ethical issues raised by the new human genetics.


High School

Experience Kinematics: Using Multiple Representations to Understand the Motion of 'sailing stones' Speaker: Christopher Moore

Experience Kinematics: Using Multiple Representations to Understand the Motion of 'sailing stones' Speaker: Christopher Moore

Long trails terminated by heavy rocks called 'sailing stones' were discovered along smooth valley floors in Nevada, California...


Mathematics, Literacy, Science, Social Studies
Elementary, Middle School, High School

Going The Distance: Educator Virtual Symposium

Going The Distance: Educator Virtual Symposium

The Going the Distance Educator Virtual Symposium was an exclusive Professional Development conference focused on teaching to enhance distance learning.


High School

Biosphere II: What makes a scientific failure?: Speaker: Obie Martin

Biosphere II: What makes a scientific failure?: Speaker: Obie Martin

Learn about our Biosphere I – The Earth – while engaging in the interesting tale of Biosphere II. Biosphere II didn’t meet the goals it set out to achieve, but was it a failure? Well, yes. But also, no! In this workshop, you’ll use hands-on learning, digital explorations, data analysis, and print resources to gather evidence and apply learning to form your own conclusions.


High School

Intermolecular Attractions: Not As Romantic As It Sounds Speaker: Obie Martin

Intermolecular Attractions: Not As Romantic As It Sounds Speaker: Obie Martin

Let’s explore the intermolecular forces between covalent bonded molecules! It’ll be more fun than it sounds with hands-on and digital experiences to bring the subject to life. In the end, we’ll apply what we’ve learned to everyone’s favorite molecule, H20!


High School

How Does Soap “Destroy” Coronaviruses?: Modeling Lipid Bilayers Speaker: Christopher Moore

How Does Soap “Destroy” Coronaviruses?: Modeling Lipid Bilayers Speaker: Christopher Moore

Just like the cells that make up our bodies, coronaviruses are surrounded by a membrane made up of phospholipid bilayers. This membrane is similar to a soap bubble, which consists of water sandwiched between little polar soap molecules. Using a bubble as a model, we’ll learn how washing your hands with soap and the alcohol from hand sanitizer can disrupt a coronavirus, essentially popping its “bubble”.


High School

Pandemics Triggered by Climate Change Speaker: Michael Wysession

Pandemics Triggered by Climate Change Speaker: Michael Wysession

Pandemics have (literally) plagued humans throughout history. Before there was airplane travel, it usually took a major environmental disruption to create the necessary conditions to allow for a global spread, and that disruption was often provided by a rapid change in climate. We will examine the environmental factors that helped trigger pandemics such as the 1918 Spanish Flu (La Nina), the 1820 Cholera outbreak (eruption of Mt. Tambora), and the 14th-century bubonic plague (start of the Little Ice Age).


High School

From CRISPR to 23-and Me: Meeting the Challenges of Today’s Biology Speaker: Ken Miller

From CRISPR to 23-and Me: Meeting the Challenges of Today’s Biology Speaker: Ken Miller

New techniques such as CRISPR gene editing, mitochondrial transformation, and gene drives are changing the ways in which living organisms are studied and modified. I will review these techniques, and introduce students to a series of activities that will enable them to confront the social, moral, and ethical issues raised by the new human genetics.