Results 46 - 54 of 81


Elementary, Middle School

Looking Inside the Minds of Thrill Seekers

Looking Inside the Minds of Thrill Seekers

They jump out of planes, climb skyscrapers, and will eat anything prompting others to ask 'what's wrong' with them. These are the thrill-seekers. They may appear to be adrenaline junkies, but are they? Dr. Carter will describe the world of the high sensation-seeking personality, exploring the psychology and neuroscience behind this fascinating personality trait. He’ll also discuss the many aspects of his career as a clinical psychologist from working with clients, to teaching, writing, and being on television, radio, and podcasts.


Elementary, Middle School

Curiosity and Courage: The Inventions of Garrett Morgan

Curiosity and Courage: The Inventions of Garrett Morgan

Garrett Morgan's curiosity about how things worked inspired him to invent things that made the world safer. Let's explore the science behind his safety hood, a device designed to protect miners and firefighters.


Elementary, Middle School

STEM Lesson/Activity: How Earthquakes Knock Down Buildings

STEM Lesson/Activity: How Earthquakes Knock Down Buildings

In a hands-on demonstration, Michael will show what is important in determining whether or not an earthquake will knock down a building.


Mathematics, Science
Elementary, Middle School

Origami Time! How to Engineer a Flying Cylinder

Origami Time! How to Engineer a Flying Cylinder

Come enjoy some mental gymnastics and fun critical thinking exercises. All you need is a sheet of paper, a ruler, scissors, pencil and your imagination.


Mathematics, Science
Elementary, Middle School

Career Connection: Use your Gifts to Fulfill your Passion

Career Connection: Use your Gifts to Fulfill your Passion

Dr. Roni Ellington has been a mathematics educator for the past 20 years and has worked as a mathematics/STEM professional development consultant for various school districts and organizations. Currently, she is an associate professor of Mathematics Education at Morgan State University. Dr. Ellington is committed to promoting the mathematics education of African American students.


Elementary, Middle School

STEM Lesson/Activity: Where’s All of the Water?

STEM Lesson/Activity: Where’s All of the Water?

In this lesson activity, we will explore how water is distributed across the Earth, and build solutions for filtering our Earth’s freshwater into drinkable water.


Mathematics, Science
Elementary, Middle School

Origami Time! Where did the Rest of the Volume Go?

Origami Time! Where did the Rest of the Volume Go?

Come enjoy some mental gymnastics and fun critical thinking exercises. All you need is a sheet of paper, a ruler, scissors, pencil and your imagination.


Science, Career and Technical Education
Elementary, Middle School, High School

Career Connection: Boots to Booties

Career Connection: Boots to Booties

An immigrant from Mexico, Karine Chapa-Vargas joined the US Air Force to learn the skills needed to become a Certified Surgical Technologist for the last 20 yrs. She currently works at a level 1 trauma center where she is part of the abdominal transplant team.


Elementary, Middle School

Career Connection: Surfers and their Microbiome

Career Connection: Surfers and their Microbiome

Cliff is a professional surfer and scientist from Hawai‘i. He spends his life chasing the best waves around the world and also looks to use science to protect those waves.