Webinars, Events & Training Archive

Results 31 - 40 of 152
On-Demand Career Connection: Dare to Dream ›
Having the courage to pursue your dreams even in the face of obstacles can be challenging. In 'Dare to Dream', Jarred will talk about the things that enabled him to follow his passion for science and engineering despite facing adversity along the way. He will also give advice to students on how they can achieve their goals and aspirations, and encourage them by mentioning prominent STEM figures throughout history who overcame incredible odds to pave the way for other minorities in their respective fields of study.
On-Demand Career Connection: Artist or Engineer? How about both. ›
Dajae Williams is a former NASA Engineer, who is far from your average Rocket Scientist. As an educational hip hop artist, she produces music that makes math and science come alive in the classroom. Learn about Dajae Williams’ creative process that helps combine culture and curriculums. Dajae’s educational hip hop has garnered the attention of NPR, CNN, BET, and many classrooms across the country. Take this opportunity to see how engineering and creativity collide with a screening of Dajae’s newly released music video,
On-Demand Career Connection: What is an Engineer and what do Engineers do? ›
Aisha Lawrey will share her story and journey into becoming an engineer. She invites students to learn about all the different ways that engineers contribute to society. In addition, she will introduce students to the opportunities that become available to those who choose to study engineering and the steps they can begin now to join an engineering career path.
On-Demand STEM Lesson: Innovation and Integrity: The Life-Saving Work of Dr. Charles Drew ›
A look into the accomplishments of the African American medical researcher, Dr. Charles R. Drew and his groundbreaking discoveries about the storage and processing of blood for transfusions. We'll investigate the unique properties of blood and build our own centrifuge device that can be used to separate a liquid.
On-Demand Career Connection: Finding Disability Pride at the Bottom of a Cave ›
Geoscience research can involve a lot of adventure and excitement, from going into caves to working with chemicals in a lab. But there are also some particularly tricky barriers for disabled scientists. I'll talk about my physical disability and diagnosis process, how I was able to continue in STEM, and what it means to be proud of being disabled Students will be able to ask questions about caving, living with a physical disability, and going to grad school.
On-Demand Career Connection: The Art of Navigating Life ›
Even though Dana Bolles has experienced difficulties along the way, she has discovered some key take-aways that have helped her navigate through them. She has not let her own personal diversabilities stand in her way. Listen to her tips for success even if you are faced with challenges due to your own diversabilities.
On-Demand Career Connection: Life as a Cyborg in a Padded Room ›
Jacquelyn Graham is, quite literally, STEM walking. She has been a part-time voice actor for most of her life while working in the Real Estate/Mortgage/Financial industries. When continuing health issues impacted her to the point where she was no longer able to work a regular 9-5 job, her transformation into a cyborg made her life-long dream of becoming a professional voice actor come true. Her home studio is her door to an exciting world populated with witches, goddesses, the old, the young, and poetry brought to life. Her life story has inspired people all over the world and she welcomes you to accompany her for a brief tour of her magical padded room.
On-Demand Career Connection: Insights into Developing Students with Different Kinds of Minds ›
Dr. Grandin will discuss how object visualizers, visual spatial thinkers and verbal thinkers have different skills.The visual thinkers who think in pictures are good at art and mechanics and the spatial thinkers are often talented in math, music, and computer programming. The verbal thinkers think in words. On many projects the different kinds of thinkers have complimentary skills. One example is the iPhone. Steve jobs was an artist and he designed the easy to use interface, but the math minds had to make it work.
On-Demand Thinking Outside the Box ›
Ingenious inventions that help people with disabilities! This workshop will introduce several new technologies that are currently in development to help people with disabilities. Through demonstrations, active participation and suggested follow up activities, students will explore how today’s technologies are providing new solutions to assist people with disabilities.
On-Demand Career Connection: A Career in Forensic Science: Demystifying Myths ›
Crime dramas on television, and especially the CSI franchise, have helped promote public interest in forensic science, but they have created unrealistic expectations about the capabilities of forensic disciplines and the roles of forensic scientists. This presentation provides a more realistic view of careers in forensic science, with an emphasis on the education and training requirements to help students achieve their goals.

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Results 1 - 1 of 1
On-Demand myView Literacy: The Big Picture ›
Explore the myView Literacy instructional model. You'll see how this simple model will bring balance and flexibility to your classroom. Teach the critical skills and strategies students need to be highly competent thinkers, readers and writers.
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