Results 28 - 36 of 81


High School

STEM Lesson: Let's Get Chemical! Chemical!

STEM Lesson: Let's Get Chemical! Chemical!

Learn to recognize when a chemical reaction takes place-heat, gas, color change, and more! Discover that once a chemical reaction takes place, the new substance has its own properties and cannot be turned back into the original substances easily.


High School

Career Connection: Preparing for a Successful STEM College Experience

Career Connection: Preparing for a Successful STEM College Experience

Dr. Johnson discusses her quest to study the ocean which began as a third grader and continued throughout her K-12, undergraduate and graduate school experience. She shares lessons learned and success strategies for students to excel in STEM academic and professional careers.


High School

STEM Activity: Let’s Go with the Flow

STEM Activity: Let’s Go with the Flow

Let’s explore the dynamic properties of complex fluids. Students will create their own polymer solution and then investigate the flow properties of this non-Newtonian fluid. The challenge will be to determine the best ‘recipe’ that creates a solution with the greatest flow potential.


Mathematics, Literacy, Science, Social Studies
Elementary, Middle School, High School

Moving Learning Forward: A Virtual Educator Symposium

Moving Learning Forward: A Virtual Educator Symposium

Moving Learning Forward provides expert-led sessions to accelerate learning, enhance recovery, and develop a growth mindset. Choose from more than 50 sessions related to Math, Literacy, Science, and Humanities education.


Elementary, Middle School

Experimenting with Paper Folding

Experimenting with Paper Folding

Students will be challenged to fold a piece of paper as many times as they possibly can. Then they will design and carry out an experiment to test whether the number of folds depends upon any one of several variables.


Elementary, Middle School

What makes the oceans move?

What makes the oceans move?

Let’s explore together how energy creates movement of ocean currents and how those currents can distribute pollution around the globe.


Elementary, Middle School

Let's Talk Turtles!

Let's Talk Turtles!

Join marine biologist Rachel LeCates as she discusses her journey from a small country in Central America to working at a sea turtle hospital in Texas.


Elementary, Middle School

If Water Has Memory, Then What Does That Mean For Our Oceans?

If Water Has Memory, Then What Does That Mean For Our Oceans?

Seventy percent of the Earth’s surface is covered in water, but how much do we really know about this precious substance?


Elementary, Middle School

Climate Change: How Can You Tell It Happened? How Can You Tell It’s Happening?

Climate Change: How Can You Tell It Happened? How Can You Tell It’s Happening?

In this presentation, students will learn about the different types of evidence that we use to measure Earth’s climate change.