Featured Webinars

Results 100 - 108 of 128


Elementary, Middle School, High School

Engaging ALL Students through Authentic Math Modeling featuring Dr. Eric Milou

Engaging ALL Students through Authentic Math Modeling featuring Dr. Eric Milou



Keeping Your Upper-Elementary and Middle School Students Hooked on Words While at Home

Keeping Your Upper-Elementary and Middle School Students Hooked on Words While at Home

In this webinar, we address how to organize, plan, and provide “deep” vocabulary and spelling explorations that directly support your students’ reading and writing. These individual and collaborative explorations may take place in your school’s online learning environments with which students are already familiar. Excellent print and online resources are provided for exploring and learning about words and how they work.



This is Not What I Learned in School: Tips for Teaching in Times of Transition

This is Not What I Learned in School: Tips for Teaching in Times of Transition

How do we navigate the transition to distance learning as we seek to serve our students? How do we implement elearning effectively? Dr. Serafini has been conducting research on visual and multimodal literacy working with contemporary picturebooks to support young readers’ comprehension.


Elementary, Middle School, High School

Digital Media Literacies in the ELA Classroom: Empowering Student Voices through Production and Critique

Digital Media Literacies in the ELA Classroom: Empowering Student Voices through Production and Critique

How do we help our students to become more critical consumers and producers of digital media? How do we help them to develop essential 21st-century literacies without sacrificing our commitments to teaching literature and writing? This webinar will frame media literacy education in the context of student engagement, academic development, and student voice. We will discuss how teachers can help students to ask hard questions of the media they consume and how students can experience greater joy and connection to their everyday literacies. We will conclude by exploring exciting ways that teachers can integrate digital media into their traditional literature-based units.


Elementary, Middle School, High School

Teaching Comprehension…Long Distance

Teaching Comprehension…Long Distance

Teaching comprehension is challenging! It becomes even more so if we are supporting students in remote settings. Modeling and scaffolding are still key. Join Dr. Judy Wallis as she shares strategies for teaching comprehension remotely.


Middle School

Zak Champagne - Navigating the New Normal: Distance Learning 6-8

Zak Champagne - Navigating the New Normal: Distance Learning 6-8

It’s important to continue to build community and focus on student thinking. This opportunity will allow us all the chance to learn how to not make virtual learning just drill and practice, but to continue to engage our students as mathematicians who think, communicate, listen, share, and challenge each other as we learn together.


Middle School

Zak Champagne - Navigating the New Normal: Distance Learning K-5

Zak Champagne - Navigating the New Normal: Distance Learning K-5

It’s important to continue to build community and focus on student thinking. This opportunity will allow us all the chance to learn how to not make virtual learning just drill and practice, but to continue to engage our students as mathematicians who think, communicate, listen, share, and challenge each other as we learn together.


Middle School, High School

Rethinking Math Problems in Secondary Math

Rethinking Math Problems in Secondary Math

Given all the technology “tools” such as Google, Wolfram-Alpha, and Chegg amongst many others that students use to do their math problems and homework, it is time to rethink the problems/homework we assign students in secondary math classes. This session will provide examples where students are challenged to solve deeper problems and asked to create mathematics where Google is of little help.


Elementary, Middle School, High School

Ways to Recognize, Celebrate, & Share Learning--Wherever Students Are

Ways to Recognize, Celebrate, & Share Learning--Wherever Students Are

Join Freddy as she describes the ways in which caregivers and teachers can support students in keeping track of what they are learning. As importantly, ways in which students can be guided in celebrating and sharing their learning will also be highlighted. Regardless of the form of a learning environment, recognizing, celebrating, and sharing knowledge are at the heart of successful educational experiences.